Nanocrine’s cRGD Molecular Density Scouting Kit is designed to allow rapid identification of cRGD molecular densities that provide greatest sensitivities to specific cell types and experimental conditions.
Each kit contains 10 cRGD surface chemistry biochip slides as follows:
N1-SRG1-4 Molecular Density: 1:25 / 2 nm 2 slides
N1-SRG2-4 Molecular Density:1:250 / 6 nm 2 slides
N1-SRG3-4 Molecular Density:1:2500 / 19 nm 2 slides
N1-SRG4-4 Molecular Density:1:25,000 / 59 nm 2 slides
N1-SRG5-4 Molecular Density:1:250,000 / 187 nm 2 slides
For use with Nanocrine multiwell biochip mount, Cat. # : N5-S4
Key Features:
Ready to use – Nanocrine surface chemistry biochips are single-use, sterile surfaces that represent a new generation of precision in live cell imaging experiments.
Atomically-smooth – We employ proprietary, nano-lithographic processes that provide atomically-smooth and chemically modified surfaces to define cell behavior.
Availability of specific ligand molecular densities – Our manufacturing process provides highly precise lot-validation of ligand density removing ambiguity in experimental findings.
Culture area = 52 mm2
Cell seeding volume = 300 μl
Molecular ratio is verified using surface plasmon resonance (SPR)
Storage & Handling:
Shipped sterile, cold, with desiccant and an oxygen absorber
Store 2-8 °C and protect from light
Handle with tweezers
Slides are designed for single use
Related Products:
cRGD Surface Chemistry Biochips
1:25 Ligand Density [N1-SRG1-4]
1:250 Ligand Density [N1-SRG2-4]
1:2,500 Ligand Density [N1-SRG3-4]
1:25,000 Ligand Density [N1-SRG4-4]
1:250,000 Ligand Density [N1-SRG5-4]
cRGD Surface Chemistry Biochip Starter Kit [N9-RGSK]
Control Products
Surface Chemistry Biochip cRAD 1:25 Ligand Density [N8-CRAD]
Surface Chemistry Biochip passivated (-OH terminated surface) [N8-PASS]
Soluble cRGD (100 μL aqueous 5 mg / mL) [N8-CRGD)