The Nanocrine cRGD Surface Chemistry Biochip Starter Kit provides all the essential components needed to rapidly assess the influence of nearby molecular density and gradients on cell adhesion, viability and morphology
The cRGD Surface Chemistry Biochip Starter Kit includes: 3 ea. high (1:250) and 3 ea. low (1:25,000) molecular density cRGD biochips as well as 1 Nanocrine Multiwell Biochip Mount.
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cRGD Surface Chemistry Biochips
1:25 Ligand Density [N1-SRG1-4]
1:250 Ligand Density [N1-SRG2-4]
1:2,500 Ligand Density [N1-SRG3-4]
1:25,000 Ligand Density [N1-SRG4-4]
1:250,000 Ligand Density [N1-SRG5-4]
cRGD Molecular Density Scouting Kit [N9-RGDSK]
Nanocrine Multiwell Biochip Mount [N5-S4]
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Soluble cRGD (100 μL aqueous 5 mg / mL) [N8-CRGD)